Our Mission
The major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to publicize the POW-MIA issue: To educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all previous wars and to help correct the past and to protect future Veterans from being left behind should they become Prisoners of War-Missing In Action. We are also committed to helping American Veterans from all wars.
Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is a non-profit organization and everyone donates his or her time because they believe in the POW/MIA Issue.

From the President:
It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that Claremont, NH has been selected to host the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall That Heals for its 2025 tour. Our date for the display is going to be the week of June 24th. It is a significant honor and privilege for any community to host the Wall that Heals. It brings healing to those affected by the Vietnam war, and a measure of understanding to all of the sacrifices that were made during that time. There are only 40 slots per year and there were 140 applications to host the wall, Claremont being one of them. The wall has only been to New Hampshire 4 times in its history.
The Wall That Heals is a 3/4 replica of the Vietnam War monument in Washington DC, and includes an education center with information, artifacts from the war, as well as selected memorabilia left at the Washington Monument.
Our committee has no doubt that Claremont, along with the surrounding communities will step up and make this visit a resounding success! The committee will be meeting soon to discuss volunteer recruitment along with fundraising and other items necessary to facilitate a successful event.
We welcome new members and will be posting the meeting throughout several outlets. Rolling Thunder® Chapter 2 will be the lead in escorting the parade of trucks and convoy into Claremont. We will decide the route and let everybody know. We are thinking for the parade to go through New London, Sunapee, Newport and into Claremont to the Monadnock Park.
More information to follow.
Remember, Always thank a Veteran!
~ William Dufour ~
President—Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Chapter 2 NH
Where in the world is Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 2 ?
Click on the calendar to see our upcoming events!
Come join the fun!
Click Here!

Come show YOUR support!!! It's gonna' be Rockin' !!!

Ask any member about buying a 2025 Raffle Calendar!!!
Ask any member about buying a 2025 Raffle Calendar!!!
Who wouldn't want a new HARLEY DAVIDSON????
This beauty could be yours, just $10.00 per ticket!
Buy as many as you'd like!!!
Message us or ask ANY Rolling Thunder NH Chapter 2 member for tickets!

Patches awarded to the members!

Lisa DePalo, Larry Dougher & Jan Whalen received their 5 Year Member Pins this month! And we are so thankful for their continuous contributions!

Debi & Billy Dufour, Skip Rollins, Denis Desilets, Chris Whalen & Ernie Lord received their10 Year Membership Pins this month! Time flies when you're havin' fun!

And Charles Lewis too!

We ENCOURAGE all to join us for our monthly meetings! Members and the members of the public too!
If you are looking to see what we are about or how to help out we look forward to seeing you there!
Our meetings take place the 2nd Wednesday of EVERY month at the Claremont, NH American Legion Post 29
119 Broad St.
Claremont, NH 03743

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the American Legion Post 29, 119 Broad Street, Claremont, NH at 7:00 pm.
The Public is welcome to participate!
Thank you to all of our Veteran's Service & Sacrifice!
Click below to see our local sponsors. Please support the businesses and organizations that support US!
Rolling Thunder®, Inc.,®
Chapter 2 NH
P.O. Box 680
Claremont, NH 03743
President, Bill Dufour
(603) 477-7712